Listen to:
Black Mermaid
A Series of Poems

“So I find myself here, diving into the amniotic fluid of the universe. Retracing their footsteps. Searching for my blood in the water.” 

Read: #12 Seaweed, Mermaid’s Hair and Healing with Archetypal Energies 

Asia Dorsey is a Rocky Mountain Mermaid writing Afrofutures into existence by reweaving Black bodies into the fabric of relationship with the earth. She is a nourishment based bioregional herbalist  raised by a collective of radical aunties and grandmothers in the Historic Five Points community, the traditional home of the Ute, Cheyenne and Arapahoe peoples. She has apprenticed with elders in India, Ghana, New Zealand, New York and more to discern a practice of a People’s Medicine that is inherently empowering, suffused with ancestral wisdom and highly effective.

Grounded in the movement for reparations, healing justice, and her earth-based practice, Asia teaches ecological design as a permaculture instructor with the Regenerative Education Collective of Denver. She uses her talent of pattern recognition to decipher and reintegrate the sacred instructions of plants and ecosystems into people systems as an organizer and consultant withRegenerate Change. To literally ground black bodies in earth sovereignty, Asia co-founded the Satya Yoga Cooperative, the nations first BIPOC owned and operated yoga co-op in the nation where she is innovating in the field of somatic justice.

You can find her balancing embodiment with botanical chaos and co-creating the Petty Herbalist Podcast helping her people to rise together in power and step into the wholeness that is their birthright. Explore her teachings and writings on Patreon and follow her on Instagram @bonesbugsandbotany.

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